“The lazy man and the stingy man walk the same road twice”
This world is full of bad advice
“Idle hands are the devil’s playground”
Profundity or empty sound?
“Only the pan knows how the soup feels when it boils”
That’s not help, it’s snake oil

If a singer coins a saying just to fill a line
Well they’re just marking time
If someone aphorizes just to fill a silence
Don’t pay it any mind
And you’ll be fine

“You can’t be weak when it comes to killing
“Soup can cure any illness”
“Be strong lest you cause more sorrow”
Any statement can sound like a moral
If it sounds poetic, and it leaves strong impression
But it’s a dubious opinion, it’s a dangerous lesson
“The lazy man and the stingy man walk the same road twice”

If a writer coins a saying just to fill a line
Well they’re just marking time
If your mother aphorizes just to fill a silence
Don’t pay it any mind
And you’ll be fine
“The lazy man and the stingy man walk the same road twice”
This world is full of bad advice