Want so much more than I got
Got so much I don’t want
I’m a wandering star
But after the fire a still small voice:
“Yea, though I walk in the awareness of my heart.”
Chemistry of stars
Alchemy of art
Gotta step lightly for a while now
‘Cause I have it on authority
That looking backwards gets you pillar of salt
That looking up, you see the void beyond the vault
Stare at the mirror, make sounds of self-pity
A half-smile of pleasure, or a grimace
At the indolent, too-beautiful sky, tonight over the city
And if the shortest distance between two points turns out to be
The wrong way down a one-way street
My straight-to-cable dreams
Will be filled with all the hissing and the weeping
Of the steam from a radiator bleeding
Did you get mean? Are you mad?
Are you wishing for the things you never had?
’S too bad, ’s too late
There’s too much money in what other people hate
Even more in their dreams of escape
Mistook a porthole for a portal and escaped
Into the outrageous sea, bleak, wasteful and wild
Thick swarming now with complicated monsters
The longest walk, the straightest line
Is between the soon-to-be bounced, and the bouncers
I gotta step lightly for a while now
‘Cause I have it on authority
That looking backwards gets you pillar of salt
And looking up, perceive the void beyond the vault
Stare at the mirror, make sounds of shame
A half-smile, or a grimace of pity
At the indolent, beautiful sky stretched out tonight over the city
At the indolent, too-beautiful sky, that’s out tonight over the city